latest news

Dec 2013
Updated page to reflect my move from Rome at last!

Welcome to my  website!

I have created these pages to share a variety of things with a variety of groups. The main purpose is to share thoughts and documents with various groups that I teach, but I will also use them to publish an ecclectic variety of material which may interest people in one way or another.

The Community of the Redeemed

This is the title I have given to the course I teach at St John's Seminary (which goes by the less descriptive name of Doctrine 3). In due course I will put some material on here, but some of the resources on the theology page are relevant anyway.

Challenging Texts of the Old Testament

In Summer 2008 I ran a seminar in which looked at some of the more 'difficult' Old Testament texts - that is to say those texts which are challenging not so much on the level of exegesis as interpretation. Most obvious among these are some of the 'holy war' texts, but there are many others. More details can be found on my Old Testament page.

I am currently working on a doctoral thesis entitles A Theology of Genocide: Deuteronomy 20:16-18 as Scripture from a Catholic Perspective at the Gregorian - I have added my aproved proposal and the initial bibliography.

Other courses I have taught include

Jesus Christ in Scripture, Culture and Theology

This is a 'thematic' seminar for first year theology at the Gregorian   (TST216). in the seminar we will look at the person of Jesus and the influence of Christology on Culture and on other branches of theology.(TST116), Notes can be found on my theology page

Also on this page is material from last semesters seminar,  The Craft of Theology , in which we explored the nature and purpose of theology.  Details can also be found on my theology page .

Mark's Gospel

for three years I ran an seminar on the Gospel of Mark at the Gregorian (TSN007), and on my Mark Page you can find related material.


Here you will find the notes for my course Ecumenism; Principles and Practice . They now have tabs at the top of the page

Students of ecumenism may also be intersted in the text of the public lecture I gave at St John's Seminary on 5 Feb 2009 as part of a series of lectures for the Year of St Paul: Paul and Corinth, and its Significance for Ecumenism Today (PDF)


Here you will find notes for the seminar I prepared on Paul and the Corinthians ,  - unfortuantely never delivered due to ill health! However material from an earlier seminar on Paul can also be found there.


I take quite a lot of photographs in my spare time,, and I have now created a Flickr account in order to share them


The Pilgrimage to Santiago di Compostella

I have also moved my Camino Pages here which document my pilgrimage in 2004. There you will discover that, aside from walking, my other major extra curricular interest is photography.