27 September onwards
I arrived back in England on the afternoon of the 27 September, 5 weeks almost to the hour since I left. My next destination was St John's Seminary, as I had to begin delivery of the course on St Paul - another great traveller - on the Tuesday. It is sobering to think of the distances Paul covered on foot during his minstry (It is highly unlikely he used a horse. No mention is made of one in the New Testament and we only think of him falling from one because of Caravaggio's famous painting).
After the lecture I went on to Crawley to take up a new appointment there as part of a team serving all the Catholic churches there. One of the team - a deacon - completed the Camino Frances in 2003 with his wife and three teenage children - so there is someone to swap stories with! During my time in Crawley I organised another - shorter - pilgrimage with a few parishioners - we walked from Ponferrada to Santiago in May 2006. Then in July 2011 I did a shorter version still - from Saria, joining a priest riend who had walked from Leon.
I hope you enjoyed following my pictures and story. The slide show has already had a number of outings! If you have been on the pilgrimage I hope this has been a pleasant trip down memory lane. If not I hope you are inspired to try it for yourself one day.
I will leave you with one last thing - a link to the website of the Confraternity of St James. This is a good place to look for further information and links about the Camino